Clodforwch Fren(h)in nefoedd fry

1,2,3,4,(5,6),7;  1,2,4,5,6,(7);  1,4,6,7.
(Priodoliaethau Duw)
Clodforwch Frenin nefoedd fry,
Fe'n Arglwydd yr Arglwyddi sy;
  Creawdwr bywyd pawb a'u bod,
  Ef sydd, Ef fydd, Ef oedd erioed.

Creawdwr y ffurfafen fawr,
 Sy'n hongian uwch y ddaear lawr,
  Yr haul, y lloer, y sêr, y sy
  Yn gwibio'n entrych nefoedd fry.

Gwnaeth trwy ei air y ddaear gron,
'Nghyd â'r môr mawr
    sy'n rhuo ei dòn,
  Dyffrynoedd a mynyddoedd maith,
  Plant Adda o bob
      llwyth ac iaith.

Fe sy'n berchennog ar y stôr
Mewn awyr, daear, dwfr, a môr;
  Holl greaduriaid mân â'u hîl,
  Sy'n eiddo Ef ar fryniau fîl.

Dal sylw craff mae ar bob un,
Gan chwilio dyfnder calon dyn;
  'Does bod,
      trwy'r greadigaeth fawr,
  Nas gŵyr ei
      feddwl ef bob awr.

Myn barch, ac
    idd ei enw glod,
Oddiwrth bob gweithred sydd yn bod;
  Dwg ei ogoniant mawr i ben,
  O uffern, ac o'r nefoedd wen.

Mae moroedd a mynyddoedd maith,
Yn seinio maes mewn eglur iaith,
  A'r holl greaduriaid o bob rhyw,
  Yn dyweyd mai rhyfedd iawn yw Duw.
Ef sydd, Ef fydd, Ef :: Fe sydd, fe fydd, fe
Gwnaeth trwy ei air ::        
        Trwy'i air fe wnaeth
        Trwy'i air y gwnaeth
'Nghyd â'r môr mawr :: A'r llydan môr
rhuo ei dòn :: rhuo'i dòn
bod, trwy'r :: greadur o'r
sydd yn bod :: ag sy'n bod
Dwg ei ogoniant mawr :: 'I ogoniant mawr f'ei dwg
Mae moroedd a mynyddoedd maith ::        
        Mae'r moroedd a'r mynyddoedd maith
Yn dyweyd :: Sy'n dyweyd

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
  Bath Auricula (<1835)
Bramcoate (<1825)
Gloucester New (Edward Hodges 1796-1867)
Gonfalon Royal (Percy C Buck 1871-1971)
Madan (Martin Madan 1725-90)
  Magdalen (<1825)
Mamre (George Frederick Handel 1685-1759)
  Mark's (<1825)
Winchester (New) (Musicalisch Hand-buch 1690)
Yr Hen Ganfed (Salmydd Genefa 1551)

(The attributes of God)
Praise the King of heavens above!
He is the Lord of Lords;
  The creator of all and their being,
  He is, He shall be, He always was.

The creator of the great firmament,
Which hangs above the earth below,
  The sun, the moon, the stars, which are
  Speeding in the vault of heavens above.

He made through his word the round earth,
Together with the great
    sea whose wave roars,
  Valleys and vast mountains,
  Adam's children of every
      tribe and language.

To him belongs the store
In the sky, earth, water and sea;
  All small creatures and their offspring,
  Which belong to Him on a thousand hills.

His shrewd attention is on every one,
While searching the depth of man's heart;
  There is no being,
      throughout the great creation,
  Whose thought he does
      not know every hour.

He demands reverence, and
    to his name praise,
From every deed which is;
  He will bring his great glory to a head,
  From hell, and from the blessed heavens.

The seas and the vast mountains are
Sounding out in a clear language,
  And all the creatures of every kind,
  Saying that very wonderful is God.
He made through his word ::        
        Through his word he made
        Through his word he made
Together with the great sea :: And the wide sea
being, throughout the :: creature of the
He will bring his great glory :: His great glory he will bring
The seas and the vast mountains are ::        
        Seas and vast mountains are
Saying :: Which are saying

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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